Tag Archives: christmas

Gluten for Christmas

I don’t even know when it hit, but without fail I started feeling the effects of gluten soon after leaving town for the holidays.  Maybe it was some of the snacks I ate on the way, maybe it was kitchen cross-contamination or traces of wheat in something that seemed innocent and gluten-free.  Whatever it was, I ended up sleeping most of Christmas and now I’m still in the phase where the itch is crawling all over my skin.

And its not just getting sick that makes holidays and travel difficult, there was also this odd sense of being incredibly hungry while being surrounded by the most delicious food.  Oh I’d love some of that meal you’ve cooked up – but I really shouldn’t. Pies, cakes, cookies?  You can’t just hop in the car to Walmart to get a gluten-free version (Publix near here does have some great gluten-free cookies, though they’re incredibly expensive.)

Here’s another unique dilemma faced by the gluten-intolerant at Christmas:  gifts containing gluten!  I mean, of course I like chocolate, but not the kind with barely malt in it 🙁

Families tries to accomodate and I love them for it, but I can barely keep track of my own ingredients and kitchen space when I’ve got such a huge incentive to do so.  I think next year, I’m bringing some gf brownies…