There’s nothing quite like a hearty breakfast to start the day off right, and there’s something special about the way steak and eggs wake you up in the morning. Well, steak isn’t particularly cheap, but the eggs are! So between the two, you can enjoy a great meal with plenty of fat and protein for […]

I read somewhere that Betty Crocker was considering (or possibly was in the process of implementing) a line of gluten-free baking mixes.  Now, I’m not the biggest fan of baking – but I do love some gluten-free cookies and brownies.  Inspired by the hope of convenient gluten-free cakes, I stopped by the baking aisle of […]


I don’t even know when it hit, but without fail I started feeling the effects of gluten soon after leaving town for the holidays.  Maybe it was some of the snacks I ate on the way, maybe it was kitchen cross-contamination or traces of wheat in something that seemed innocent and gluten-free.  Whatever it was, […]

Greetings Orac, I thought this might be of interest to you in particular because you seem quite up to date with the mercury/autism/naturalism noise that is circulating the internet. My name is John and I’m fairly new to blogging. I’m a big fan of particularly because there is so much skepticism of untested medical […]

What is Celiac Disease? Celiac Disease is basically an intestinal condition caused by a negative auto-immune response to gluten, a protein that can be found in wheat, rye, and barley. This is distinct from an allergic reaction to wheat, but it is no less dangerous. The criteria for diagnosing Celiac is traditionally a small intestine […]