
Muscadines are a relative of grapes who happen to enjoy the particularly hot and humid climate of Florida.  With summer winding down, a crop arrived recently at the produce section of the local Walmart.  Since I had just read a Wikipedia article about them while searching for potential crops that could be grown in the […]

If you’ve ever scrutinized the ingredients in a cereal isle, you’re sure to know that almost every single box contains some form of gluten.  Even if the cereal itself isn’t made from wheat or cross-contaminated oats, malt is one of the favorite flavoring additives of breakfast cereal. The good news though, is that Chex is […]


Ouch – just because it doesn’t have gluten doesn’t mean your stomach will really appreciate it. Last night I tried a strange combination of hot dogs and asparagus – and it actually tasted pretty good.  Maybe that’s why I went back for seconds.  Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. Mixing junk food with something […]

For the last few weeks, Wal-mart had some cheap prices on premium hot dogs.  Not the one-dollar kind, but the kind that are actually made out of beef and minimal additives.  The Oscar Meyer brand was particularly enjoyable, and I’ve only got a few of the Ballpark ones that seemed a bit more “over-processed.” What […]

I read somewhere that Betty Crocker was considering (or possibly was in the process of implementing) a line of gluten-free baking mixes.  Now, I’m not the biggest fan of baking – but I do love some gluten-free cookies and brownies.  Inspired by the hope of convenient gluten-free cakes, I stopped by the baking aisle of […]